#wtf Lamy Al-Star

#wtf Lamy Al-Star

Where to Focus

Take a seductive aluminum body and a super smooth nib, put them together in sexy FAB colors and you’ve got an Every Day Carry Dream! From newbs to long-time collectors, the Lamy Al-Star deserves a spot on everyone’s All Star Team! Enjoy!

#wtf - Lamy Al-Star

#wtf – Lamy Al-Star

#wtf - Lamy Al-Star#wtf - Lamy Al-Star#wtf - Lamy Al-Star

Sidebar: Like most readers, you likely know “#wtf” by its more common meaning; “Well That’s Fantastic!” But we’re re-branding the abbreviation as Where to Focus and we’ll use it every Friday to quickly share the week’s best PenPorn produced by our in-house photo studio.