#wtf Montblanc 149 Platinum

#wtf Montblanc 149 Platinum

Where to Focus

Forever available only in the imaginative world of “what if,” the Montblanc 149 with Platinum Trim became a reality last year to the drooling delight of platinum furniture preferring fountain pen lovers the world over. If your 149 is invited to a black tie event, it will want to wear platinum! Classy. Elegant. Oh so Sexy. Enjoy!

#wtf Montblanc 149 Platinum Trim

#wtf Montblanc 149 Platinum Trim

#wtf Montblanc 149 Platinum Trim

#wtf Montblanc 149 Platinum Trim

#wtf Montblanc 149 Platinum Trim

#wtf Montblanc 149 Platinum Trim

#wtf Montblanc 149 Platinum Trim

#wtf Montblanc 149 Platinum Trim

Sidebar: Like most readers, you likely know “#wtf” by its more common meaning; “Well That’s Fantastic!” But we’re re-branding the abbreviation as Where to Focus and we’ll use it every Friday to quickly share the week’s best PenPorn produced by our in-house photo studio.