Category Archives: Video Podcast

Lower Prices on Select Sailor Pens! | APTV 537

Lower Prices on Select Sailor Pens! APTV 537 Sit back and enjoy episode 537 of APTV!

Spa Day for Your Pens! | APTV 536

Spa Day for Your Pens! APTV 536  Sit back and enjoy episode 536 of APTV!

Gearing Up for Pencil Day! | APTV 535

Gearing Up for Pencil Day! APTV 535  Sit back and enjoy episode 535 of APTV!

Lisa Loves These Desk Savers! | APTV 534

Lisa Loves These Desk Savers! APTV 534 Sit back and enjoy episode 534 of APTV!

One of the Rarest Parkers Ever Made! | APTV 533

One of the Rarest Parkers Ever Made! APTV 533  Sit back and enjoy episode 533 of APTV!

Lisa Pens & Brian Watches! Plus Ink! | APTV 532

Lisa Pens & Brian Watches! Plus Ink! APTV 532 Sit back and enjoy episode 532 of APTV!

Lisa Catches the De-Stashing Bug! | APTV 531

Lisa Catches the De-Stashing Bug! APTV 531 Sit back and enjoy episode 531 of APTV!