Good Morning & Happy Friday! Here at Anderson Pens, we have some fun things planned for this weekend, both on the personal & business level. Personally, we need to work a little more closely with our kids to start the back to college prep stuff. You know, the socks & underwear shopping that no one wants to do lol… Both kids will be in college, which means the mandatory school supplies list is smaller, but the books are more expensive.
We also want to work on the yard a little. Brian really likes to mow the lawn, and I need to weed out some of our flower beds. We also love our patio, and we greatly enjoy the birds, rabbits, and even the woodchuck that love to congregate in the yard. We also have yet to hit the local Farmer’s Market held every Saturday am, so we might try to squeeze in a walk downtown to see what fresh produce calls to us.
On the business side of things, I think we are going to try to sneak a quick trip up north a little, to check out some antique stores about 2 hours from here. I’ve never been there, and a friend of ours has some pens we are interested in looking at… sooo….. road trip!!! We also received a box of new inks from Organics Studio, including about a dozen promo giveaway bottles of ink – so we will be announcing a giveaway on Tuesday!! And, the DC Supershow is only a couple of weeks away, so I need to start packing & printing. I’ll have some new designs for notecards to display at the show – stop by to check them out.
How about you? Plans for the weekend? Anything relaxing? Anything fun?
Lisa & Brian