Thursday’s Thoughts – What’s Your Word

Thursday’s Thoughts
January 24, 2013

What’s Your Word?

I’ve waited until now to make peace with 2013. Change is always hard for me, and I’m not just talking about remembering to write 2013 instead of 2012 on checks or other things. 2012 was a good year for me, personally and professionally. I learned a lot, I lived a lot, I loved a lot. I’m a little hesitant to let go of that. My word for 2012 was Fearless Passion. (Yes, I cheated & went with a phrase). I think I came close. I expanded my teaching opportunities, I became President of the Pen Collectors of America, and I worked with my husband to expand our online pen business, Anderson Pens. I survived the high school graduation of my son, and his entry into solo driving and college.

So why the hesitation to embrace 2013? I should be excited at the untapped opportunities, the undiscovered potential, right? 2013 will be even better, I truly believe that. I have some really big plans and goals, hopes and dreams – I absolutely believe that they are achievable. I dabbled with my word of the year, and Christine Kane has a great Word of the Year tool here. I have my 2 helpful planners, to map out my new year, and plot out my big plans, while making peace and saying goodbye to 2012. I highly recommend Kimberly Wilson’s new daybook and Leonie Dawson’s 2013 workbook. I also love my Planner Pad, to keep me organized and to help corral all of my different roles & obligations.

I dabbled with my 2013 word – I considered Expansion. I’m teaching new classes, increasing my article writing, growing our business by leaps & bounds, and dabbling in some new hobbies. It seemed to fit pretty well. I dabbled with Dream – but I need to be held accountable for action. I finally realized that my word for 2013 is Consistent.

I am torn in so many direction by my too many roles, and I am working to unload a few things from my schedule. I need to be more routine-oriented and consistent, before embracing any additional expansion. I need to add more consistency in my writing, in my teaching schedule, in my emails and phone calls with students and customers. Consistency will eliminate drama and crisis-filled reactions. Consistency will ultimately allow me the freedom to pursue my dreams and goals.

So, 2013, my pledge is to be Consistent. Brace Yourself. Watch miracles happen.

What about you? Do you have a word?
Try one on for size….. and share it….
